New Born Baby Name Ideas and Popular Trends

New born baby name ideas and popular trends

When selecting a name for your new born baby, there are several elements to take into account. Make sure the name fits perfectly, is unique, and accurately represents their personality.

When selecting a baby name, there are some popular trends to consider. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of these and provide some ideas to help you select the ideal name.


Parents seeking aesthetic names for their new born baby can select from a wide range of choices, from classic and traditional to modern and trendy.

Nameberry reports a growing aesthetic trend among girls, particularly with names that feature either a feminine sound or words with positive connotations such as “gift” or “praise.”

At present, aesthetic baby boy names are on the rise in popularity. These names offer a strong and contemporary vibe and may be ideal for little boys who like to stand out.

One popular aesthetic girl name is Magnolia, which derives from the Latin prima rosa (first rose). This name is ideal for babies who possess an elegant, classic or vintage aesthetic.

Another name that is becoming more and more popular is Ophelia, which was a beloved choice during the Renaissance era. This meaning of Ophelia translates to “help” or “agony.”

According to Nameberry, the word “ocean” could make an excellent aesthetic choice for a girl. These names are typically inspired by nature or water elements and can be suitable for any baby who shares your aesthetic.

These aesthetic baby name ideas are some of the most popular options and can be perfect for either little girls or boys. Finding a suitable name may not be straightforward, but once you find the perfect fit it will all be worthwhile!

Aesthetics are an exciting way to name your baby and can be a fun challenge for expecting parents. The great thing about this style is that you can apply it across various areas of life – from your bedroom decor to clothing selections – and beyond!


Old-fashioned baby names are back in fashion – and that means you can pick a name that will last the test of time. Whether you want an elegant tribute to your parents’ generation or simply love the idea of naming your child after one of history’s most renowned figures, there are plenty of vintage baby names waiting to be considered.

There are plenty of great baby names for boys and girls, from classic alternatives to popular celebrity-inspired monikers. What’s great is that many classic baby names are now making the top ten list, making them perfect for new mums looking for an original choice!

Henry is an excellent example of this trend in boys’ names. It offers a timeless alternative to Jack or Luke and should be the obvious choice for parents looking for something classic yet masculine-sounding.

For girls, there are a few classic baby names making a comeback, like Ava and Eloise. Both names boast a timeless aesthetic and feel, plus they’re sweet and easy to pronounce.

Florence, a classic Latin-inspired name that continues to be popular today and 100 years ago, is making a comeback! You can be sure this classic will remain popular for some time to come!

Nickname-sounding Grandpa names like Frankie, Georgie and Lenny have become even cuter! You can mix-and-match these syllables with other popular first names to give your baby an unique first name that’s both cute and recognizable!


Classic baby names are making a comeback and offer your little one an identity that’s uniquely their own. From classic Hollywood to pop culture, these popular choices are perfect for adding some personality and uniqueness.

When selecting a name for your newborn, it’s essential to find something timeless yet distinctive enough to differentiate them from their peers. To achieve this balance, select a name that draws on tradition while also drawing inspiration from contemporary culture.

Some of these classic baby names have even made it back into the top 100 list. From Henry and Arthur for boys to Ada for girls, these timeless monikers have become trendy once again as popular choices among new generations of parents.

Nameberry, a baby naming site, recently discovered that many of these vintage names were among the top 500 most popular baby names back in 1918 – 100 years ago – but haven’t appeared among the top 1,000 since. This indicates that parents are increasingly selecting unique and retro names that still hold some popularity today.

Other names suitable for a vintage-style baby include Emmett or Michael. These gender neutral names often have universal appeal, making them ideal for anyone searching for a timeless name that won’t fade away with time.


When selecting a baby name, gender-neutral names are an excellent option that won’t evoke any particular gender. There is an array of cool, popular, unique, and vintage unisex names perfect for either boy or girl.

Gender-neutral baby names are becoming a more common trend among new parents, particularly those who choose not to impose gender expectations on their kids. This gives them several options before their little one arrives and also lets them sidestep some of the traditional gender reveal parties associated with baby names.

Many unisex baby names have their roots in places that hold special significance to the family, or are associated with nature, colors and seasons. Some are inspired by family tree surnames while others come from more common surnames that parents admire or convey positive associations.

For example, the name “Armani” is a Persian word meaning “freeman” or “warrior,” making it an ideal unisex choice for both boys and girls alike. Another growing trend among unisex names is “Azariah,” which derives from the Hebrew phrase meaning “helped by God.”

There’s also the Scottish name “Blair,” which has strong masculine connotations. It has fluctuated from girl to boy popularity over time, but could soon experience a new surge as a gender-neutral option.

If you’re searching for something classic, there are a number of classic unisex names derived from the Bible or English/Irish words. Some have an original twist that sets them apart from other candidates.

One popular option for girls is the Irish and English word, “Quinn.” This translation means “chief leader” or “intelligence,” and it has become slightly more popular for girls than boys.

Pop Culture

Pop culture has a tremendous effect on new born baby names. Parents draw inspiration from everything from celebrities to characters in popular books. Even pop music can help boost some unusual names into popularity.

Songs that reach the top of the charts can give a boost to an already-popular name, as evidenced by “Joanna” after Kool and the Gang’s 1984 hit or “Rosanna” after Toto’s 1982 track. Additionally, stars on football fields may boost celebrity names’ status when they win their clubs’ championships.

Old-fashioned names are making a major comeback. Some popular 1800s names, like Eleanor and Leopold, have made a comeback while others are making their way back onto the US list of 30 top baby names for boys and girls.

Neo-cowboy names are on the rise, as they encapsulate the rugged ideal of Americana. Look for trendy choices with -ett, -er or -s endings as well as options endorsed by celebrities such as Brando and Tex.

Utopian and dreamy names are on the rise, according to Appellation Mountain. These hopeful names have been steadily increasing in popularity over time and are expected to keep rising through 2023.

This trend may be driven by the fast-paced nature of social media and pop culture overexposure, which are impacting individualistically-minded Millennial parents in particular. According to the site, these parents are using their creative freedom to steer naming trends towards something more personalized. Furthermore, Blue-green names will remain popular through 2023, including deep hue-inspired ones inspired by nature. These names could become popular mix-and-match options as well, where new parents create personalized combinations.