What to Feed Your Baby – Healthy Food For Newborns and Wet Diapers

What to Feed Your Baby is a question that most parents struggle with. Here are some tips to help you make the best choices for your newborn baby. Learn more about Breast milk and formula, Healthy food for newborns and wet diapers. Whether you decide to breastfeed or use formula, these are vital topics to consider. Also, learn about the importance of knowing how to change your baby’s diapers. You may be surprised to learn that breast milk is the best choice for your baby’s health.


Often referred to as “baby milk,” infant formula is made of liquid or powdered ingredients that are intended to provide a balanced diet for a baby. These liquids are usually diluted for use by newborns, and should not be given to babies who are too young to drink their own mother’s milk. However, some parents may decide to use a mix of liquid and powdered infant formula. Regardless of the method, the benefits of formula for newborns cannot be emphasized enough.

Healthy foods

You can choose healthy foods for baby during the first few weeks. Try to avoid commercial baby foods with added sugar and salt. Offer different textures and colors. A good combination would be a variety of soft finger foods and pureed, cooked or minced meat. Also, add iron-fortified infant cereal, small plain cereals, and pieces of dry toast to your baby’s diet. These food items are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Wet diapers

Keeping a close eye on your baby’s wet diapers can be a helpful indicator of how well he or she is getting the right nutrition. Typically, your newborn should have around two to three wet diapers a day, and by four to five days, he or she should have between five and six wet diapers per day. Stool frequency will vary, though, and is dependent on how often your baby is feeding.

Setting a schedule

Setting a schedule for feeding a newborn is critical for a healthy development. It will ensure that your baby gets the proper amount of nutrients and will help him settle into a predictable routine. Different babies have different needs and may require more or less food at different times of the day. Even the same baby may need more food when active, or more fluids during a growth spurt. Therefore, the schedule you set for your newborn should be flexible enough to accommodate any changes in the baby’s needs.

Vitamin supplements

It’s important for your baby’s health that you provide adequate vitamins and minerals through the foods that you feed them. Milk and formula are usually adequate sources of these nutrients, but your baby may need additional vitamin and mineral supplements. Talk to your healthcare provider to determine which vitamins and minerals your infant needs. Vitamins are essential for adults as well as for babies. If your baby is born prematurely, she may need to take extra vitamins and minerals.

Premature babies

A common worry for parents of premature babies is the feeding process. Premature babies cannot feed from their breast or bottle at birth, so they are fed through tubes. One tube is called the nasogastric tube, which goes into their nose and delivers the feed directly to their stomach. Another tube is called an oro-gastric tube, which goes into their mouth. The feed may be breast milk or a fortified formula.