How to Choose the Best Stroller For Your New Born Baby

How to choose the best stroller for your new born baby

Strollers are one of the primary investments new parents must make, so it is crucial that they fit your lifestyle and needs perfectly.

Think carefully about how often and where you plan to use your stroller, where its destination lies and its intended use before selecting features you desire or don’t.

1. Seating Options

When choosing the ideal stroller for your newborn baby, seating should be a primary factor. Look for something that grows with them so it remains comfortable and easy to maintain.

As an example, you may seek out a stroller with an adjustable seat height to place your newborn as soon as they arrive – this will enable them to access and exit without assistance from you.

An additional option would be to invest in a stroller equipped with a bassinet option; this way you can keep your baby secure and still use it for long walks when they become older.

If you choose this option, it will be essential for you to decide if a bassinet or stroller would provide more comfort while out walking – this will determine how often and for how long they are used.

A bassinet is an excellent option for newborns as it provides both comfort and long-distance transportation ease. Some models also feature sun hoods large enough to cover an infant as they sleep, so that they are kept warm while protected from weather elements.

Some models of bassinets are even reversible, allowing you to quickly change them based on your baby’s needs. This feature saves both you and baby both time and hassle!

There are also infant floor seats designed specifically to meet their weight requirements and that won’t tip over with age.

When purchasing a baby floor seat, make sure it contains safety features like an anti-rebound bar and breathable fabric material – especially if you reside in warm environments or travel regularly.

Baby floor seats that convert into high chairs or boosters may also be found, although these may be slightly more costly than standard baby floor seats and could come in handy as your child begins sitting up independently and playing independently.

2. Storage

An essential item for new moms and dads living in large cities, strollers are essential purchases for parents with babies. When purchasing one, several factors should be taken into account such as weight, style and functionality – along with additional cargo such as car seats, snacks or diapers/wipes which must fit within its space limits. A good stroller must provide enough storage capacity for everything.

Your stroller should offer the optimal suspension system, capable of withstanding city life’s challenges, as well as an underseat basket large enough to store a diaper bag, diapers and snacks. A large canopy also provides sun protection if your child squints often or exhibits hyperactivity; this feature may prove particularly important.

3. Comfort

No matter if it is your first or multiple newborns, finding the ideal stroller can be daunting task. Here are a few important factors that need to be kept in mind:


A good stroller must have a wide base with adjustable suspension to eliminate bounces, jostling, or bumps from occurring, as well as five-point harness and brake system for added security for your child.


Your newborn deserves nothing less than the best when it comes to comfort; select a seat with an ergonomic backrest and soft surfaces, such as padding. Furthermore, opt for one that fully reclines so your infant can sleep in peace as they adjust to their new world.

Storage space should also be taken into consideration as you will likely be running various errands frequently and require a convenient place to keep all the clothing and accessories your newborn requires. Consider models with pockets or compartments designed to hold diapers, wipes, toys and other essentials.

An additional factor for many parents when purchasing a stroller is ease of folding and unfolding, so look for models with quick-release buttons that make stowing it away simpler. Some models even stand on their own when folded – an invaluable feature if your space is tight or your stroller needs to fit under tables!

Other features to keep in mind for stroller selection include a large canopy that will shield your child from sun or rain, and a swivel wheel to ease maneuverability – particularly useful during shopping trips or grocery trips as this won’t mean risking losing them as you navigate crowded stores.

Swaddle blankets can also make an ideal present for new mothers. Not only can these be purchased as receiving blankets but they can be hand sewn out of soft fabrics like flannel for even greater warmth while they sleep.

Burp cloths should also be an essential component of your newborn checklist, as they protect their clothing when your little one burps. Some styles offer convenient hook-and-loop fasteners.

Finally, a glider or rocking chair are must-have items for your newborn’s nursery. They provide the perfect spot for you and baby to cuddle before bedtime while helping both of you relax before heading off for sleep.

4. Safety

Before purchasing a stroller, carefully consider its safety features. Your baby needs a secure environment to sleep and ride in; look for one with sturdy construction that can manage bumpy sidewalks and uneven terrain.

If your baby is small, investing in a stroller with adjustable support and high back may be beneficial in keeping them upright and more comfortable during their first visits outside the home.

Assuring your stroller can recline in multiple positions and provides a secure five-point harness can prevent your child from accidentally falling out of its seat.

Newborns can be quite active and curious, so finding a stroller that accommodates them as they develop is key. Look for one with adjustable reclines as well as the capability of connecting with a bassinet or infant car seat for added peace of mind.

Many strollers now include changing tables. This feature makes diaper changes much simpler; all it takes to change baby’s diaper is being in the stroller!

Sunshades can provide much-needed shade from both sun and wind exposure for your child, providing comforting relief during their stroller rides and making them less likely to move around so much.

Babies are especially vulnerable to injury, so it’s vitally important to protect them as much as possible from falling, burning and choking hazards. Some of the more prevalent dangers are falls, burns and choking accidents.

Fall injuries are one of the leading causes of infant deaths under 5 years old, making up 38% of injuries among babies under one year. To protect babies and prevent falls, put gates at both ends of staircases, and close doors when not in use.

Purchase and install an infant car safety seat as soon as your newborn comes home from the hospital to reduce risk of injury during any collision and keep him or her secure on road trips. This will keep your little one safer!

Keep your child away from electrical appliances such as microwaves or televisions to prevent burns or electric shocks that may arise if left alone in these spaces.