Newborn Baby Room Temperature and Safe Sleep Guidelines

New born baby room temperature and safe sleep guidelines

Newborn babies are frequently wrapped up in blankets to maintain an ideal body temperature, and you might notice their skin has an elongated form with patterns of reddish and pale areas (known as mottling).

An appropriate room temperature can help ensure your baby receives enough restful slumber, and also lower the risk of SIDS and other serious health conditions.


One of the key influences on newborn sleep is room temperature. Babies lose heat four times faster than adults, so maintaining an ideal ambient temperature for their safety during sleep is of great importance to their overall wellness. Furthermore, it helps promote both quality and quantity of restful slumber – particularly important as they adjust to life outside the womb.

Overheating of baby rooms should be avoided at all costs in both summer and winter; otherwise it increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SUDS).

Babies should wear lightweight clothes suitable for the season, though ideally they should remain unclothed at night to remain cooler. When temperatures are hot, consider using a fan to circulate air in their room; alternatively a small space heater could warm their crib safely without overheating it; additionally a thermometer can help monitor room temperatures more closely.

If it is cold outside, using a blanket or sleeping bag for baby is advisable. The blanket should be thin enough that skin can still be seen through it without impeding proper air circulation; never cover their head as this has been linked with SIDS cases.

Aire Serv can help ensure a proper environment in a new born baby’s room by maintaining and servicing HVAC systems professionally. We can perform regular maintenance checks, repair or replace furnace and AC units and also install programmable thermostats and zoning systems to assist with temperature regulation in your home.

Additionally, it is vital that your baby sleeps safely and comfortably in an environment free of pillows, toys or blankets – creating the ideal sleeping conditions is key to their health and happiness! Please reach out today if you would like HVAC service in your area from one of our expert technicians; they are more than happy to assist!

Air Circulation

Air circulation in a room is especially essential for babies, particularly newborns. Babies are susceptible to overheating if their room becomes too warm, leading to heat-related illnesses like heat rash or dehydration. A fan can help circulate air throughout the room and thus lower its temperature – thus protecting babies against this happening!

Babies often struggle to regulate their body temperatures, becoming especially sensitive to colder air. This can make them feel uncomfortably and disrupt sleep; fans can help by warming the room air so the baby feels more at home and sleeps better.

Fans provide white noise that can help newborns settle down more quickly, providing soothing sounds that aid sleep. New parents may worry that being exposed to running fans will expose their baby to illness; this is not true as babies can still develop colds from overheating or having dry nasal passages; should your newborn develop any sort of illness, make sure you use saline drops or humidifiers in their bedroom immediately.

Use of a fan in winter can help your infant stay warm while sleeping comfortably. Reverse the fan so it blows downward instead of outward – this will keep them cozy while simultaneously helping regulate room temperatures.

Utilising a fan in winter will also assist with preventing over-bundling, which increases their chance of overheating while sleeping and can raise their core temperature, leading to SIDS. To reduce over-bundling and reduce exposure to cold air while sleeping, put them into a sleep sack which will help them remain warm while they slumber while keeping cold air at bay – hands and feet covered with soft blankets will further protect from cold drafts! You may want to monitor their back, neck or tummy to gauge core temperature as a measure.


As newborns sleep, blankets may cause them to overheat, impacting their brain’s control of breathing and awakening. Therefore, the safest sleeping arrangement for infants would be simple sleepwear such as sleepers rather than blankets.

If you choose a blanket to keep your baby warm, make sure it is light and breathable, such as cotton or muslin, measuring at least 44 inches by 44 inches and without ties or zippers that could interfere with breathing or potentially suffocate them.

Swaddling blankets can also help your baby sleep longer by soothing and comforting them during their naps. Swaddling blankets typically feature elasticized designs like pigeons or burritos for closure with velcro closures; making swaddling an excellent solution if they have allergies to certain fabrics since their skin will still feel secure without being directly touched by fabric.

Milestone blankets, typically embroidering numbers to chart your child’s development through their first year, can be an excellent way to track growth and development while providing regular comfort as blankets. Plush or minky blankets should be avoided because they may become too thick and hot for your infant, restricting breathing ability.

As your child transitions from bassinet or crib into toddler bed, it is acceptable for them to use a lightweight blanket without any potential choking hazards. Any toys, pillows, or objects from their crib that could potentially cover their nose or mouth during sleep should also be removed immediately.

As a new parent, it can be unnerving to think about your baby’s sleep environment and its impact. By conducting some research into safe sleeping guidelines and creating an enjoyable, supportive space for them to sleep in – The Lullaby Trust offers their safer product guide which may offer some relief.


Parents should not sleep with their babies and should avoid using pillows or soft bedding that could increase SIDS risk. Maternity-ward nurses or newborn wellness visits may provide additional advice about safe sleeping practices for babies.

Many new parents can be confused about what constitutes an appropriate sleeping environment for their infant. Nest-like spaces such as padded bumpers or blankets have been associated with tragic outcomes: babies may obstruct their breathing by placing their face into these spaces or they could roll off and become lodged beneath the mattress. Furthermore, pillows pose an suffocation risk and have even been linked with plagiocephaly cases which affect babies during infancy.

Soft mattresses may increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS. Infants without mobility in their first two to three months of life may become trapped by mattresses that mold around them; soft mattresses also create gaps that trap babies between themselves and crib sides, leading to strangulation or suffocation; firm mattresses provide resistance against indentations while not creating gaps – thus decreasing the chance of suffocation or strangulation.

Infants sleeping with their parents in adult beds face an increased risk of suffocation and SIDS; those sleeping on sofas or armchairs could also suffocate or strangle by their parent rolling onto them accidentally.

If you want to share sleep with your infant, use a safety-approved bassinet or play yard placed next to your bed for room sharing; this reduces SIDS risk by keeping them close but separate for their first six months of life. In case bed-sharing becomes inevitable, please leave at least two metres between it and the bassinet/cot/bassett.