Natural Remedies For Colic in New Born Babies

Natural remedies for colic in new born babies

As soon as your baby arrived home, he or she seemed peaceful and sweet; however, colic soon emerged.

Colic is defined as unexplained, prolonged crying that lasts more than 3-hours per day for at least 3 days in a week and begins in babies around 3-weeks old and continues for around 3 months before subsiding.


When people think of chamomile, they often imagine its soothing properties being served to Peter Rabbit by his mother after spending time in Mr. McGregor’s garden. Yet it has many more uses beyond soothing tea, including anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits – making it a valuable natural remedy against colic in newborn babies.

Chamomile is an Asteraceae flower which produces an essential oil with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Additionally, its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties make it effective at fighting infection and infection as well as soothing stomachaches or other digestive ailments. It can be applied topically as liquid extract or topical ointment to soothe stomachaches and other digestive ailments.

One clinical trial demonstrated that when 68 healthy babies aged two to eight weeks were given a blend of chamomile herbal tea containing fennel, licorice and vervain twice daily for two weeks, 57% reported relief of colic symptoms. Another study demonstrated how chamomile oil can help calm fussy babies and promote sleep.

Prepare Chamomile Tea for Your Baby By boiling some Chamomile flowers in water and adding some additional ingredients, you can create an effective tea to soothe digestion and alleviate colic discomfort in your child. After it cools off, offer your infant one teaspoonful several times throughout the day as a soothing remedy for colic symptoms.

As well as drinking tea, you could use a chamomile oil tincture or ointment to massage your baby’s abdomen with warm compresses and gentle massaging techniques that will soothe their stomach while relieving gas issues. This warm compress will soothe their discomfort as well as alleviate gas issues.

Be mindful that some natural remedies may take time to take effect, and may still need to visit the doctor if your newborn is experiencing colic. Don’t despair though; your little one will come through this phase eventually – it is simply part of their developmental process as they learn how to interact with their environment outside the womb. Keep this period in mind for approximately the first three to four months, it should pass soon enough!


Colicky babies can be difficult to deal with. Their constant crying can drive parents insane, yet it is essential that we remember they cry due to tiredness or discomfort. Therefore, the first thing you should try is meeting all your infant’s basic needs – such as hunger, diaper changes or being held. Next make sure they are being burped, burped up properly and make sure no other issues such as fever or diarrhea exist – then address additional remedies if necessary.

Ginger root has long been recognized as an effective natural treatment for newborn colic. Packed with antispasmodic and sedative properties that relieve intestinal cramping, induce relaxation, ease gas and bloat in infants, as well as relieve gas and bloating symptoms, making a herbal tea with dried ginger root or grating fresh ginger into a bowl of warm water and steeping for 10 minutes is one method to alleviate colic symptoms in an infant daily.

Other natural remedies to try for infant colic include fennel seeds and chamomile. Fennel is known to have antispasmodic and soothing effects that can soothe the gut, while chamomile’s sedative qualities may help your baby relax better and sleep through the night. We advise giving one tablespoon of these herbs mixed with honey daily as a treatment. This should alleviate their stomach discomfort caused by colic in infants.

Once again, an option to consider is gripe water – a mixture of water, baking soda and various herbs believed to help soothe infant colic. You can find it online and in certain stores; just ensure it contains only organic ingredients without artificial preservatives such as those found in Wellements Organic Nighttime Gripe Water which have been reported effective with many infants suffering from colic.

Homeopathy is an unconventional alternative medicine practice which utilizes small doses of substances in homeopathic remedies, including those such as fennel seed extract, chamomile flower extract, and ginger root extract, that has become popularly believed to be effective against infant colic. Although such claims might seem convincing enough for use on your newborn, always discuss it first with a healthcare provider first before considering homeopathy on them.


Colic affects new-borns by creating excess gas build up in their stomach and intestines that causes extreme discomfort for your little one. Many herbal remedies have been tried and tested to help alleviate colic symptoms; peppermint oil seems to be one of the safest ones.

Herbal remedies contain menthol, an antispasmodic that reduces intestinal cramping and induces relaxation, helping relieve colic-associated pain relief as an excellent digestive remedy. Mothers commonly choose this herb-based treatment and can either apply directly onto an infant’s stomach or use in herbal tea specifically designed for babies.

Some moms may prefer an herbal tincture mixed with olive or coconut oil and administered to their infant. But be wary of volatile oils containing volatiles as this could have an sedative effect and make baby sleepy. Furthermore, ensure the tincture contains no added sugars or chemicals which might harm him/her.

Alternative remedies include peppermint chewing gum with Eucalpytus radiata being safe for babies and children, rather than Eucalpytus globulus which could potentially cause neurological issues in infants and children.

Fennel, ginger, lavender or chamomile essential oils may also help your child ease colic symptoms naturally. Another natural way of soothing baby’s colic symptoms is giving regular oil massages: this will keep the tummy warm while aiding digestion and preventing gas accumulation. You can make your own massage oil using peppermint, fennel, geranium or chamomile essential oil mixed with warmed coconut or olive oil as a base. Before giving this oil directly onto baby’s skin for the best results; also try giving massages after every feeding to ensure his or her best comfort!


Attracting a newborn into the world is an exhilarating moment, but when your coos turn into wails it can become extremely stressful. Crying is natural for babies; however if their crying persists even after you’ve checked their diaper, fed or cuddled them, colic could be present – lasting hours even though natural remedies can help alleviate symptoms.

Garlic’s antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties make it a versatile remedy for many health conditions including colds and coughs. Allicin can help clear respiratory passageways and facilitate easier breathing while its antioxidant content protects cells against free radical damage that could otherwise damage them in their developing bodies.

Garlic belongs to the lily family, just like onions, leeks and shallots. It forms underground as an inedible papery skin covered bulb that’s divided into cloves – which are edible raw or can be cooked as part of various recipes.

If your baby is suffering from indigestion, try adding garlic to their diet. Garlic has been shown to soothe symptoms of indigestion while helping prevent acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Start out slowly when introducing garlic to your baby by grinding or finely chopping one clove and mixing it into soft foods such as mashed vegetables, beans, lentils or grain dishes – gradually increase its use until your child becomes used to the flavor.

If you are breastfeeding, garlic from your diet does pass into breastmilk and should be limited in order to protect the baby from its strong aroma. Garlic can also cause burning sensations in their tummies so it may be wise to wait several days after first giving them garlic before offering more.