How to Handle Your Newborn Baby’s First Fever

An infant fever can be a source of much anxiety for new parents. Learn what constitutes a fever for newborns, how to take their temperature and what symptoms are indicative.

If your infant is younger than 2 months and has a rectal reading of 100.4 degrees or higher, contact their physician immediately.

1. Get Your Baby to the Doctor

If your baby has a fever, contact their physician immediately. Young infants can quickly become very ill when exposed to germs; an evaluation for potential problems must occur without delay. Even older babies should see their physician if the fever does not respond to fever-reducing medication and appears worsened; this may indicate serious illness such as meningitis or pneumonia.

Doctors will want to know about any other symptoms your baby is showing, such as losing more fluids through crying or spitting up than is normal for him/her. Babies can become dehydrated quickly so it’s essential that they remain well hydrated.

Check your baby’s appetite closely if they suddenly refuse multiple feedings in a row – this could be a telltale sign they are feeling unwell, especially if they were previously good eaters and suddenly refuse food.

Your baby may show signs of excessive fatigue or behavior changes that should concern you, such as difficult sleeping patterns, seeming more lethargic than usual, or becoming very sleepy and difficult to wake. Also inform the physician if your infant seems to be spitting up more often or vomiting frequently.

Importantly, remember that your baby does not necessarily need to be contagious if they have a fever; many illnesses can cause fever without spreading to others – this is particularly relevant with infants as their immune systems have yet to fully develop. Your doctor usually will not suggest giving your baby medicine for fever unless you first consult them in person and they give the go ahead; otherwise it would be best to call up their nurse line provided by insurance. If in doubt or worried, consult directly with healthcare provider or your insurance company’s nurse line for advice –

2. Keep Your Baby Hydrated

Newborns and infants can easily become dehydrated when suffering from fevers. When combined with vomiting or diarrhea, these symptoms should serve as an early indicator that your baby is sick and should be seen by a physician as soon as possible. Dehydration in newborns and infants is an immediate danger which could result in seizures, brain damage or even death.

Newborns and infants should seek medical advice immediately if their fever reaches 100 degrees or higher, since this indicates an imminent health problem that needs immediate treatment. Possible illnesses could include intestinal bugs, the flu or cold, chickenpox and croup. Furthermore, bacterial infections are even more serious and should be addressed by antibiotics treatment immediately.

Fever can be alarming for new parents, but it doesn’t necessarily indicate an infection or illness; fever is actually the body’s natural way of fighting infection or illness and keeping your infant feeling warm and cozy.

Whenever your baby has a fever, be sure to use a rectal thermometer as this method provides more accurate readings without allowing the environment to influence results like ears or forehead thermometers do. A normal infant temperature ranges between 96-100.4 Fahrenheit.

Taken lukewarm baths or dressed them in lightweight clothing can help bring their temperature down, but never use ice water, as it could cause shivering that would further raise their body temperature. In case they’re sick and not eating regularly, feed formula or breast milk every two to three hours as often as necessary so as to prevent dehydration.

Be cautious when giving over-the-counter medication to your baby, such as acetaminophen or aspirin. Avoid aspirin as it has been linked with Reye’s syndrome – an illness which can prove fatal in infants and children under five. For your own safety and that of your child’s safety, seek advice from your healthcare provider prior to administering any medication to them.

3. Keep Your Baby Warm

As adults, we are adept at managing our body temperatures and know when it is necessary to take steps such as taking off our jacket or adding another blanket. Unfortunately, babies don’t have this luxury and can become quickly overheated if bundled too tightly in clothing that is too heavy. You can help your baby by taking away excess clothing, moving them to a cooler space or turning on a fan; or spongeing down with lukewarm water so as not to cause unnecessary discomfort and bring down their fever; be wary not use cold water as this may actually increase it further!

Once your baby has been soothed, dress them in lightweight clothing that allows for airflow. If they appear dehydrated, try feeding more frequently and offering fluids such as juice, water or Pedialyte solutions as hydration options.

Though it’s essential that infants with fevers remain comfortable, parents have found that giving acetaminophen can also help bring down temperatures. Be sure to speak to your pediatrician first and abide by any dosing instructions listed on the bottle.

Your infant’s first fever can be alarming, but it is also an indicator that their immune system is working normally. Be sure to closely observe and contact a healthcare provider if any changes in behavior or discomfort arises; providing them with adequate care will speed their recovery faster.

4. Give Your Baby Plenty of Love

As a new parent, it can be frightening when your infant’s temperature suddenly spikes. Knowing what to expect and do when this occurs will allow you to remain calm and secure when faced with this scenario.

If your baby has a fever, try to remain calm. His or her body is trying to fight an infection, so fevers are actually good indicators that his or her immune system is functioning effectively. Most fevers result from minor illnesses; your child should get well without needing medical intervention.

Babies under 3 months who develop fever should seek medical advice immediately as their immature immune systems make them particularly prone to serious infections. Otherwise, it’s best to wait and monitor their condition closely – using a rectal thermometer is one way of doing this, though their behavior should also be taken into consideration when making this determination.

Fever can cause babies to sweat more, which can lead to dehydration. To combat this risk, ensure your baby receives enough fluids by giving him or her breast milk or formula as well as Pedialyte or similar products. Also try not overdressing him or her as this will prevent their natural body heat from escaping and cause their temperature to increase further.

If your baby has a fever, always consult a medical provider for the best advice and care. In general, how your baby feels and acts should be the ultimate determining factor as to whether to contact a physician; most often though a fever won’t pose much of a threat, but more information will help put your mind at ease from seeing an expert doctor.