How to Deal With a Newborn Baby’s Gas and Fussiness

How to deal with new born babys gas and fussiness

Gas can sometimes just be part of the baby’s digestive process; but sometimes it could indicate they’re allergic to something in their milk-based formula or something mom is eating that ends up making its way into breastmilk.

Crying for prolonged periods, squirming in discomfort or pulling their legs up toward their chest are all signs that an infant or toddler is dealing with gas bubbles that have formed inside of them.

1. Try to burp them

A baby who is gassy can quickly fall into a cycle of swallowing too much air, making them uncomfortable. Crying and fussing then increase air intake even further leading to further discomfort that eventually results in spit-up; and this cycle continues until they can no longer bear it.

If your baby is suffering from gas, try burping to release some of their air bubbles. Cradling them against your shoulder while gently patting their mid to upper back can help release any trapped air; this technique works just as effectively for either breast feedings or bottle feedings.

Burping can also be done by placing them face down across a parent’s lap and gently rubbing or patting their back, which many babies find comforting and can help them relax more easily.

Sometimes it takes trial-and-error before you find the most comfortable position for burping your baby. If they seem especially fussy and uncomfortable, try placing them upright with their back against you to see if that helps ease their distress.

Burping should always be part of breastfeeding or bottlefeeding your baby; especially after transitioning between breasts or after receiving several ounces of milk. Burping helps prevent air build-up that could potentially lead to spitting up later, although every baby differs and they don’t always require burping after every meal.

2. Try to position them

Newborns’ digestive systems produce an abundance of gas, which is perfectly normal but may cause them discomfort. If they seem fussy, squirmy or pulling their legs up to their chest in pain this can often be an indicator that their trapped gas has not passed properly; as it may be difficult for them to pass alone this means trying some baby gas tricks to help your baby feel better.

Many babies become gassy from swallowing too much air while feeding, leading them into an uncomfortable cycle of eating, swallowing air, and producing more gas. If this is happening to your little one, try burping after every meal to reduce gas production and keep them comfortable; give a back pat mid-feed to release any swallowed air before it enters their system further. You could also consider trying an anti-gas nipple for bottle fed babies as this might better regulate milk flow while limiting air intake.

When your baby is gassy, always place them to sleep on their back to prevent them from choking on spit-up or other liquids. Some parents suggest placing gassy babies on their stomach; however, this position increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome as well as other sleep-related complications in young babies.

If your baby’s gas persists, massage their tummy or give them a warm bath to try and help soothe them. It will also give you the opportunity to bond with them which may allow them to relax more easily and help them find relief.

3. Try to soothe them

When your baby is upset, it can often be hard to know exactly what’s bothering them. Their cries could indicate anything from gas to being overtired; at this stage crying is their only means of communicating with you; therefore it is vital that you listen attentively and respond appropriately.

One of the primary reasons babies cry is due to gas pains. You can often tell this by watching them, as their stomach will appear bloated and distended; they may also pull their legs up to their chest in attempts to ease any pain they’re feeling. You could also try gently pressing on their tummy in order to detect hard spots or swelling that indicate discomfort.

If your baby seems to be experiencing gas, massage their tummy gently; often this helps ease their discomfort and bring relief. Or try placing them on their back for some tummy time 20-30 minutes after they have eaten before making this attempt.

Babies may inhale too much air when they cry, which may result in gas. After they stop crying they should pass this gas and feel better.

Other possible causes may be hunger, overtiredness, being cold or hot, having dirty diapers or too much spitting up. If you are confused as to the cause of their fussiness it would be beneficial to contact their pediatrician for guidance and remember that fussiness in newborns is very normal and will diminish as they grow older.

4. Try to change their position

If your baby is fussy during and after feeding sessions, they could be suffering from gas. Breastfed infants tend to experience this less often because breast milk digests easier; but if they seem distressed by gas discomfort, try changing their positioning during and after feedings to alleviate their distress.

For instance, during breastfeeding sessions ensure your baby is close to you to reduce any chances of turning their head and swallowing extra air during feedings. When bottle feedings take place, try tilting it slightly so as not to let extra air in during their sessions.

After feedings, it is crucial that you burp your baby. Doing this will remove excess air they’ve consumed and aid their digestive process. If you need assistance burping your child properly, consult their pediatrician or lactation expert for guidance.

One way you can help ease your newborn’s gas pain is to gently cycle his or her legs while they’re laying on their back, moving the legs in a bicycle motion so as to push gas bubbles up and out of their stomachs. Furthermore, give more tummy time during awake hours of the day in order to kickstart digestive processes and help ease their discomfort.

Newborns often struggle to communicate their discomfort. Though it’s normal for newborns to cry when experiencing gas pain, if symptoms continue or include fever, bloody stool, or vomiting it is important that a call be made immediately to a pediatrician for evaluation.

5. Try to feed them more often

Infant gas may be caused by their developing digestive system or by too fast of eating; or perhaps due to poor latch or swallowing too much air due to poor latch. If this issue continues, consult with a pediatrician or board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC).

As is common among newborns, colic can often result in episodes of extreme crying that prove difficult to soothe. This condition may be the result of immature intestines, the consumption of lactose (found in foremilk) or proteins found in breast milk, swallowing too much air during cries, or breathing in too much air during cries; babies suffering from colic often also suck on their pacifier or have the hiccups which contributes to baby gas issues.

Babies suffering from excessive gas are likely to become fussy after feedings and may require multiple burps during this time. Clamped bodies and signs of pain may make their discomfort difficult to understand for parents; their tiny digestive systems have limits that they simply cannot exceed. They may also increase in appetite; remembering this fact is key.

Try burping your baby as soon as they finish eating or drinking and before placing them down to sleep, to provide relief. If they are still uncomfortable after burping them several times in various positions or ways, try moving their position or trying another form of burping them again; or add extra tummy time during their day as this may help pass gas more easily. It is possible that their discomfort could stem from food intolerances which could be difficult to diagnose at this time.